Make Good, Better

Feb 1, 2016 | Resources


Each of our clients avails us of a different set of services. With varying budgets and goals,  every client approaches their website and business tech challenges with a slightly different formula.  Like a race car (my favorite analogy) you can always make fast, faster – or good, better in this case.

Here’s a list of questions to ask yourself (or us!), that you can use to enhance and improve your website and online marketing.

  1. Is your website fast?
  2. Is your website secure?
  3. Is your website mobile friendly?
  4. Do you update (publish new content) your website on a regular basis?
  5. Do you collect email addresses and send an enewsletter?
  6. Are you active on social media?
  7. Are you performing regular maintenance and backup?

Let’s explain why each one is important:

  1. The speed at which your website loads dictates heavily the experience of every visitor and now effects where you rank in Google.
  2. Google now prefers secure (https) websites.  Also, with users becoming more concerned about their privacy, fully encrypted websites are becoming the standard.
  3. Mobile web use is skyrocketing past desktop web use.  A responsive or mobile-friendly website will benefit user experience and your search rank.
  4. Publishing new content should be a no-brainer, but oftentimes clients are too busy to create good content for their website.  Updated websites rank higher, and give a better impression to the visitor.
  5. Email marketing remains a viable way to keep in touch with your customers.  The tough part is the collection, but if you make the effort, a well-groomed email list is very valuable.
  6. Having an active social media presence on one network is more important than having a dormant or inactive presence on all networks.  If you publish regular content, pushing people from social media and newsletters to your website is a great formula.
  7. Regular maintenance and backup is important for sanity, and restful sleep.  Like physical things, web things age and technology progresses making maintenance, and backup important as time passes.  Create and execute a plan with your IT, web, and internal staff.

The overall message of this newsletter is to look inward and seek improvement.  Often times, the task of building or re-building a website can be daunting and time-intensive.  Completing and launching the website often leaves the client (and even us) wanting to move on to other, important aspects of our business.  However, after some time has passed to rest (not too long we hope) it’s best to re-engage and see how you can make your good website, even better.

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