Great Photos = Great Website

Oct 28, 2009 | News

Many of our website clients want their website to look really great, and we tell them that one of the most important features of a really great website is photography.

Whether the photos are stock photos and purchased online or taken by a local professional photographer, it is key to get really good photos on your website.

When we build a website we try to feature great photos right on the homepage to catch the customers attention.

A good example of this would be on the Whitten Landscaping website.

We used landscape photos to show what Whitten is capable of doing to your yard. Wouldn’t you want your yard to look like the photos on their website? I sure would. These photos really grab your attention and make you say “I want that”.

If you are a landscaper, builder, hairdresser or architect try to take photos of your projects before and after completion. This will help you build a photo portfolio to add to your website and to show potential customers. We do not recommended using your cell phone to take photos, as the quality is not  nearly as good as using a digital camera.  Keep a camera in your work vehicle and you can even ask past clients if you can take photos of projects now.

If you find that you just do not have the time to take your own photos there are some great websites online that offer stock photos at very reasonable prices. Some of them being Istockphoto and Shutterstock. You can get a very nice stock photo for just a few bucks.

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